Patrick J. Horne wrote:
> I was thinking about getting hold of the speed (mph) pulses coming out of
the control
Pat, be sure to provide a high input impedance for that speed pulse.
Some sending units (notably Chrysler) can't tolerate much load.
Here's where an opto coupler or mabye an op amp wold give you the
needed isolation.
> Right now my holing tank is cracked in a
> few places so
Your "holing" tank has a hole in it? <grin>
> <Roadster content> We won't be able to take the roadster with us, it would
be too long
> towing it behind the trailer, and it won't fit through the door to put it
inside. Hmm,
> what about on top of the van?!?
Loooong ramps! But a fun drive getting up there, right? <grin>
Mark van der Hoek
Houston, I think.