Your current situation moves us.
Your humbleness, charity and knowledge of Datsuns (mandatory Roadster
content) inspires us.
We are a better List because of you.
We might even be better people because of your selfless example.
That is why,
We want to help YOU.
We do give to charity.
Now we want to give to you.
Please allow us to do that.
Remember, half the fun of a gift is in the giving!
So please let us have our fun.
You can't say no 'cause it'll make us feel bad!
We were "once bitten twice shy",
But we know you.
You are worth it!
That's why my check will be payable to Tom Walter with many thanks and
truly profound gratitude.!
67.5 2000 Solex
Spokane, WA
PS I didn't have time
to make this rhyme. ;-)
PPS to Tom: What's your mailing address, and I'm not going to take no for an