NOWROC now has a home page :-)
Now we are looking for interested people in the club. It is open to all,
will concentrate are activities in the Northwest and also a showing at
If interested contact me off the list with personnel information like,
names,State of residency, cars owned, year and model, and also pictures
if possible.
I have started a list with autocross schedules for parts of Oregon, but
need ones for western Washington, southern Idaho, central Washington.
BC, Canada.
I also will have links to races and the major race tracks in our area.
We will include fun runs, racing , shows and other Roadster related
I will also try to include a classified section if needed.
The Page address won't be posted until we have a logo and some pictures
to post.
Initial plans look like we may have a fun run to the Bend, Oregon area
maybe we
can plan it for the day before or after the Datsun/Nissan show in
Thanks for all who have helped !!!
Hayden Lake, Idaho
clear and in the teens !