A successful get-together for BADROC today by SF Bay. A forecast for
scattered showers on Saturday was bogus! It was a clear sunny windless day.
So much for bringing overcoats, scarves, gloves, and earmuffs! The jackets
came off, for T-shirt weather among the tourists. No weather forecaster is
going to ruin a BADROC event!
We got 6 roadsters together, and all 2000's! Mark Miller brought his
right-hand drive Fairlady 2000, can't remember if it was a '68 or a '69.
First time I ever saw swing-in fender mounted mirrors on a roadster,
something they have in Japan. Mark demonstrated their use, for parking in
tight quarters.
Let's see, Dana Nojima, Daniel Neumann and Irene, Todd Osborne and his
daughter, Michael Carion, and myself. We parked in a non-parking area in a
very scenic area, and were very pleasantly surprised when the police showed
up and granted us time to enjoy the day. Thank you Sausalito Police
Department! Todd showed his expertise on his DATSFUN repairs. The rear-end
is hammered out, tack-welded, and primered with new tail-lights. Good work,
Afterwards, Mark took off, and by request of Daniel, the rest of us went
for a great run around the Tiburon peninsula. This included lots of twisty,
curvy country-style roads with great scenery. Daniel took us to a former
navy base for more picture taking, explaining the history of the submarine
nets there during World War II. Then it was back across the GG Bridge, to
BADROC headquarters at the Presidio Burger King. This is no ordinary Burger
King, having a large eating hall with panoramic views of the GG Bridge and
the SF Bay.
What a way to start the year 2000, with six 2000 roadsters!