Go ebay my son! search for "Datsun grill", last I checked there were 2 of
them in the auction, $100.00 or so.
happy shopping.
Alan Vedadi
66 1600
>From: Arthur Rockwell <ARTHUR@vistamediagroup.com>
>Reply-To: Arthur Rockwell <ARTHUR@vistamediagroup.com>
>To: "Datsun-Roadsters (E-mail)" <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net>
>Subject: Parts needed
>Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 09:54:46 -0800
>My fellow Roadsterites:
>I am in need of a decent front grille for my '66 SPL311. Nothing in mint
>condition as I hope I will not have to forego any of my extremities.
>I could also use a front bumper.
>BTW: I am desperately trying to get my baby road-worthy again in time for
>the 2/6/00 SoCalRocker meet! I had an exhaust leak due to a warped header.
>I'm in L.A.
>Arthur R. Rockwell
>'66 SPL311