Howdy group
I just put a couple of pictures up on my website for everyone to take a
looksie at. Not too impressive of a website but does the job
Anyhow I have some pictures of other peoples datsuns but cant seem to figure
out where I got them from or whos they are. If the cars pictured are yours
and you dont want me to show them please let me know so I can take them off
right away. I dont want to violate anyone here! hehehe
The only car that I can remember the owner to is Gordon Glasgow's.
I know it doesnt make sense to ask permission to post pictures after youve
posted them so I apologize.
Anyhow please let me know if you want the pictures taken off and I will
gladly do it right away!
David Lee
My car pictures are in the POS section
(links at the bottom of every page)