Us folks here in the 'Gator Navy think its pretty cool
to watch the vapor trails off the 7 bladed rotors of
CH 53's, the largest helos in the free world, when
they leave the deck with the green guys to
"influance National Will" upon someone....
But, I degress,
Roadster Content:
One more trip around the car with small amounts
of spot putty, priming, and one more overall
wet sanding, and I will be ready for the scary part...
Color Coat.
I will wait for a nice warm day for that, and I plan to
use what I painted cars with many years ago,
Acrylic Enamal, mostly because I'm familier with it,
and its pretty good stuff. Looks like about 1.5 qts
to do a roadster well. My paint guy can cross over
the original red paint code to the stuff he carries,
so he says.
Chesapeake Va