On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, nruff wrote:
> > Forgot to add to my last message; if anybody has an original of the red
> > covered Bob Sharp Comp manual, the last page is a speed calculator they
> > called a "nomograph"
> > It had an clear acetate overlay on which you could plot the variables,
> draw a
> > line across the points and read the speed.
> >
> Is there a way to determine an original from a copy? The literature that I
> received with the car has been stored with the car since it was last used in
> 1973, with all the other dated material being 68 or 69. The picture
> quality is very good and it is printed on heavy stock paper. It also had
> the clear acetate overlay near the end of the manual. The difference is
> that both the owners manual and racing manual are three hole punched loose
> leaf with no cover. Can this truly be an "original"?
> Just Curious
> Nathan
___~@ \__ Dana Nojima
( ________ ) noji@snowman.med.umn.edu
_____0________0_____ VA San Francisco
(415) 221-4810 x 4553