Roadsterites all:
I'm compiling a list of PO sins that, when finished, should be funny at
the least and maybe even instructive for future buyers, as it might give
them some tips on PO shenanigans to watch for. Here are some recent
- Hammering screws into place after stripping the threads.
- Affixing lights with epoxy rather than pop rivets.
Aaron, San Diego CA
- Shimming the snot out of the upper U20 tensioner to keep
the chain artificially tight, preventing the future buyer
from hearing that telltale 'death rattle' when checking out the car.
John F Sandhoff, Sacramento CA
- PO dropped bolt into cylinder big enough to leave thread imprints
on the piston and cylinder head.
Karen, Pomona CA
- Putting in a high pressure radiator cap and loading radiator with
stop leak to disuise overheating due to bad head gasket.
Bob Porter, Harrisburg PA
Anybody else have some juicy ones to contribute? There must be some
real horror stories out there that are worth preserving. I'll post the
whole thing as it is assembled.
Bob Porter, Scribe
Harrisburg PA