Hello All,
Yes more questions about my rear end...
I bought, geez almost a year ago, the urethane rear suspension bushing kit
from Dean at Fairlady. I can see how to replace them all but how do I get out
the bushing with the metal insert from the front of the longest leaf??
Found out where all the gook on my rear was coming from. When
the panhard rod?? ripped out it tooka little piece of the rear end housing
with it and there was a little hole where gear oil was leaking out.
Man I have theh best girlfriend, she spent half the afternoon
scrubbing the rear end with degreaser (with super clean, I highly reccomend it
I left it on for a while and it even took the old paint right off) and she
brought me a six pack of beer!!!!! The housing is still not clean enough to
and I don't know how in the heck I am going to get it so...
Daniel 69 2000