Personally, I've always been partial to the rear aspect of the 1961, -62 and
-63 T-birds �
the flat sloping deck, mini-fins and round rocket exhaust taillights. Something
to think
about if you have a rear-ended roadster (you know, if the guy behind you was
diving an
ABS-equipped GM vehicle � everybody knows how they don't stop for s*#t...)
Gary McCormick
San Jose, CA
Kyle Hagemann wrote:
> >Y'all are going to hate me for this.....
> Oh Dan, hate is such a *strong* word. :-)
> > Has anybody ever seen a roadster with fins?? Has anyone ever
> >thought about putting fins on their roadster???
> You'll probably find that everybody has thought of putting something
> on their roadster... I too have looked at the sloped-off (gimpy:-)
> back end of the roadster and thought some '59 Eldorado fins would be
> pretty cool. But you'd have to get the line just right - the top of
> the current "fin" defines the fender swell in the back... to smooth
> that out might make the car look like a panel delivery or
> something.... HEY! There's an idea!
> Kyle
> '69 2000
> (no fins, but it's got a cool rusty luggage rack;-)