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RE: Doheny pics...sebring?

Subject: RE: Doheny pics...sebring?
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:13:35 EDT
Lovely pics! All of them. Thanks for posting them. (yes.. we DO look)

One thing did catch my eye (the weird stuff always does) On the Photo-Point 
page behind Calspeed's car and in the pic of the black '66 next to it... and 
also on the Dimequartly page in the pic of the gorgueos silver car (sitting 
behind it) is something worthy on mention.... the white roadster with the 
"sebring" style top! I'ts cool ! Any one belong to it? Better pics? Informed 
readers want to know!! <G>

I had a similar top set-up for MGB, and it was the only one like it that I've 
ever seen. We tried sitting it on the Datsun, of course it wouldn't fit, but 
boy was it neato! (My top had a flat rear window and "gills" ala 69 torino on 
it. Done in typical textured black f'glass.)

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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