HI All I managed to finish off my door mechanisms last night. This
meaning, I have a 66 with spring loaded handles on the inside of the
doors, and well I when to open my door and there was that sound of a
spronggggg and I was suddenly stuck inside my car. 15 min later I managed
to get out. ( I wasn't going to go out the passanger door)
So I am in need of 2 new/used spring loaded latches for the doors for a
66. one for the passanger, broken when I got the car, and one for the
driver door, now hanging limply by my knee...
Thanks for the help.
| Eric R Wittinger |
| Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
| NSD Radiological and Chemical Sciences Group |
| Web page www.ee.pdx.edu/~wittiner |
| Email wittiner@EE.pdx.edu |
| Email (work) Eric.Wittinger@pnl.gov |