The last contact I had with Craig Halsted he was going off line. I suspect
it is because he had to move.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, October 14, 1999 5:56 PM
Subject: (no subject)
>Hello All,
> Some time ago Craig Halstead posted a reference to the Roadster List
>Tax Tips for Auto Collectors and Restorers. Craig are you out there??
> I have tried to obtain thru the interlibrary loan with no success. I
>would like to contact the publisher - Accelerated Trends, but cannot locate
>them either. Do anyone have the ISBN # for this book?? Also an address or
>number to the company would be helpful.
>Thanks in advance for your help.
>Christopher White
>SRL 311-05468
>Fayetteville, NC