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Monthly Posting

Subject: Monthly Posting
From: (Thomas Walter)
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 99 00:16:50 CDT

Welcome to the Roadster list.  This list is dedicated to the pure
enjoyment of Datsun 1500,1600 and 2000 roadsters and serves as
a forum for the open discussion of anything pertinent that you wish
to pass on. Keep us up to date with your projects, parts you might
have or need, questions on repair procedures, tips that might help
others, or just ramble on about a pretty drive in the country.


If you need to unsubscribe:

send a message to:
leave the subject line blank
in the body of the message put:

unsubscribe datsun-roadsters

[remember when changing addresses, please unsubscribe from
your old address first... then subscribe by sending in the
new request from your new email address]


A digest version of this list is available.  This is basically all the
day's mail bundled into a single message.  Included below is the info file
one gets when subscribing.

To switch from the real time list to the digest list, send mail to

with nothing in the body but

  unsubscribe datsun-roadsters
  subscribe datsun-roadsters-digest

you will receive a message from the server asking for confirmation.
Just cut and past the line starting with "auth" and send it back to
the server. This confirms you requested the subscription to the mailing



Authors retain implicit copyright to their material
Obtain permission from the author before redistributing messages.
(Anything posted to the list can only be archived by the
server,, or on the escribe website.)

WHERE TO FIND the FAQ (Frequently asked questions, etc):             look under "news and information" for
                                   the latest FAQ's


TO HELP US keep track of who has what/where: your name at the bottom of
your post with a city & which model car you have is appreciated. ;-)


The Datsun Roadster mailing list is part of the (Team.Net) server,
located in Utah. It also host many other mailing list (British cars,  
autox list, etc) and at times may be running very slow. On some days
your post take minutes to show up on the list, and yet over 12 hours
on other days. Just part of the way email works on the "information 
superhighway "...


In brief: must pertain to the Datsun Roadster. Commercial vendors
are requested to post a monthly "special" of one page giving descriptions
and prices valid for the month. Not all of use have www access, so
the month posting would be appreciated. They MUST be reachable for
questions / discussion via email if they wish to post such a flier.
A sig file should be kept to four lines, with their name, address,
email address and web site address.

*************************end of file***********************************  

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