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Fw: Fish and Cars, and Bondo too....

To: "datsun list" <>, <>
Subject: Fw: Fish and Cars, and Bondo too....
From: "nruff" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:55:53 -0500

 Excellent advice Jim!  This tool combined with a DA sander (dual action)
a hand sanding block can allow anyone to do the majority of their own body
work.  This is the majority of the labor in painting a car.  Anyone tight on
cash or without an air compressor can also opt for a "long board" which is
the hand version of the reciprocating sander (usually costs less than $20).
Only other ingredient
required is patience.  Too bad it's the only part can't buy or borrow!


> > Tip of the day:  For those contemplating your own body work, the
> > absolutely most useful tool was the air powered reciprocating sander
> > (skinny and about 14 in long)  these things are designed for this
> > purpose, and with 36 grit do a fast and excellent job exactly matching
> > the desired contours.  On the roadster there are a lot of sexy, rounded
> > curves, and this thing was great.  Got mine for 59.oo at Northern Tools,
> > and this very cheap one has lasted and worked well.

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