Hey, that would be kind of cool taking along a passenger in the third seat
to hold up an umbrella! However, my car doesn't have the third seat ...
and egadz! ... she certainly isn't going to be playing in the RAIN. But
then ... when does it ever rain in San Diego!
Joseph Roach
65 1500
At 05:51 PM 9/28/99 -0400, CalSpeed@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 28-09-99 4:32:36 AM EST, ajb@squirrel.com.au writes:
><< This is a photo of how you drive in the rain.
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Pit/3823/wet.jpg >>
>Wow... was that a factory option for the 1500's? Leigh, Roach... you better
>get one of those.
>Michael "Calspeed" Carion
>67.5 SRL311-000248 Solex (On jackstands during the best weather of the year)
>San Francisco, Ca