my brother and I used to put a pillow on the luggage rack of my
motorcycle and ride my labrador between us on the seat going over to
the river to take him for a swim. then once he decided to try to get
off at around 60 and we decided it wasn't such a hot idea. for
roadster content: I was headed out to California in my first roadster
to start a job, with my brother following on his bike. his Golden
Retriever, Sundance, was riding on the passenger seat of the roadster,
with everything front legs forward hanging out the window. I was
hanging on the leash to keep him in the car that far. all of a sudden,
doing about 55, a rabbit ran across the road. between my swerve and
his desire to chase the rabbit, I was left holding a leash in my hand
which went out the window- no dog on the seat anymore. instantaneous
decision necessary: let go or pull on leash. I pulled and slammed on
the brakes, broadsiding the car to the right so as to be sliding in
front of Sundance instead of running him over....from my brother's
view behind me on the bike, he saw his dog go flying out the window,
and basically flap in the breeze as I hauled the car down sideways.
he fully expected to pull up and see his dog with glazed over eyes,
breathing his last. there was one spot on Sundance's hindquarter
where the tire meeting the road had pinched a small clump of fur out,
and one of his forepaws had one pad a bit chewed up. other than that
and being a bit stiff, he was fine. talk about lucky....I recommend a
short leash which won't let the dog far enough out the window to take
a dive. probably best to keep pets off your lap, too.
Craig Halsted
upstate NY