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Re: Nitrous Anyone??

Subject: Re: Nitrous Anyone??
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 07:08:22 -0400
  I'm glad to see some one else thinks that he brought on that disaster himself.
While I agree, the pressure relief should have popped, he had that thing plumbed
and wired wrong.  I'm glad nobody was hurt, but he needs to think about what HE
could have done to prevent that accident.  And the write up on the web should be
a warning to anybody that thinks NOS is a toy!


In a message dated 09/28/1999 5:11:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Wasn't there somebody at Shasta with a Nitrous bottle sitting next to them
 in the pasenger seat?? Very scary!!!! >>

Wow, I've read at least 4 different lists that mentioned that page today. The
internet scares me!
The crazy thing bout that person is that:
1) he hooked up the NOS accesories to a constant on power source...shoulda
went through an ign-on line.
2) he left the heater on for 3 hours?!?!
3) he expected the little vent disc/tube to compensate for the overheating of
his 1000+psi NOS bottle?!?
I don't want to say that he got what he deserved...but that's what a lot of
other people who have experience with NOS seem to be saying. I will say that
his claims against NXpress are unfounded, and it was basically "user error."


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