Just a note of recognition to thoses who contributed to the 1999 Watkins
Glen Roadster Meet.
Dave & Dawn Pesky - "the organizers- in-chief" - a great job
Jeff & Penny Most - the Show & Shine
Lisa & Kurt Weisener - trophies & and bringing the Silvia to the event
Dick Tillinger - fire wood & fire starting (required an engineer)
The many owners who brought prizes for the draw with aspecial mention to
Mike Sacks for contributing the annual roadster battery
Our commercial suppliers who supported us;
Grassroots Motorsport Magazine
Z Car & Classic Datsun Magazine
Fairlady Products
Sports Imports
Classic Datsun
"Datsun Julie" Nissan 112 at Patchogue NY
If I left anyone of this list, I apoligize!( I'm getting old you know)
Rita and I had a great time this year thanks to the great Datsun
Roadster folks and the weather.
Rita & Fred davidson