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yet another RE:road rage

Subject: yet another RE:road rage
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 13:46:09 EDT
An example of how dangerous Road Rage can be:

One Fri night I got a call from my best buddy Matt, he could hardly talk, all 
I could understand was "come get me at St. Joe's Hospital. OK.... turns out 
he was driving through the little town of Sumner where the speed limit is 25. 
Some guy behind him decided that was too slow for him, however proper & legal 
it may be. They guy tailgated him through town, then when behind my friend at 
a stoplight, he ran out of his car, yanked my buddy out of his Datsun pick-up 
(new there was a "Datsun" tie-in in there somwhere<G>), and beat the crap 
outta him. His face was hamburger. It took the crowd that was watching from 
the McD's to restrain the guy while the police showed up. The guy still 
claims that Matt  was going too slow and that it was all HIS fault. It all 
happened so quickly that Matt literally didn't know what had hit him. He is 
lucky the guy didn't have a gun. Fortunately, he has recovered and there was 
no permanent damage. (It was a pretty bad beating, and could have lost his 
eye.) Shameless plug: when shopping in Sumner WA for a new ford (ugh!) go see 
him at Riverside Ford.

Drive safe, and watch out for the bozos !

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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