Steve Harvey writes:
> ...The 2000 schematic that I need to use is, I assume for the late model.
> Even with a magnifying glass I'm having trouble reading it.
Check out the diagrams at:
Ross Mullen (Sports Imports):
Taylor Hutt:
Ross has several model years, Taylor's is for the late-late 8-fuse
cars (69 and 70?). The 68 uses 6 fuses (and tends to cook the
headlight fuse).
Note that the very late cars apply battery positive to the common
(middle) headlight terminal and ground either the low or high beam
connection. Backwards of the typical common-to-ground wiring;
it makes a difference if you're using non-sealed beam bulbs that
have that common terminal internally grounded to its case :-)
-- John
John F Sandhoff Sacramento, CA