> this gentleman called a few minutes ago to say that he has a 70 2000 car
> for sale and he has many spare parts. rebuilt u20 with 3000 miles on it,
> SU, .030 pistons, black, straight body. hard top , has soft top frame,
> but no skin, 67000 miles, stock wheels, good chrome, leave a message on
> his voice mail 314-579-3811
Dennis Suellentrop
> --
> Ross Mullen
> SPORTS IMPORTS - your Datsun Roadster Parts House
> Phone: (604) 538-5615
> FAX: 535-3538
> Web site: http://home.istar.ca/~datsun
Ross Mullen
SPORTS IMPORTS - your Datsun Roadster Parts House
Phone: (604) 538-5615
FAX: 535-3538
Web site: http://home.istar.ca/~datsun