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Friday afternoon drive...

Subject: Friday afternoon drive...
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 16:56:41 EDT

Just got back from an incredible mid-week drive.  I feel so good about it 
that I had to let it out on the list.  This was the first time that I was 
able to try out my new suspension set-up.  The car is set-up pretty nice 
although alittle stiff for the street.  Did about 20-30 miles of twisties on 
Hwy 84 (for those who are familiar).  First I saw a BMW 535i up ahead having 
fun in the twisties.  I caught up to him and he clicked it up a notch or two. 
 He couldn't shake me at all.  He would occasionally touch the gravel 
shoulder so I backed off alittle.  He finally gave up and pulled over to let 
me pass.  He then tried to keep up but was unable to.  And I wasn't even near 
tire squeel.  A few minutyes later i noticed another car creeping up to me.  
He came right up on my bumper in an Eagle Talon.  I picked up the pace and 
kept picking it up until he couldn't keep up any longer.  I took it easy once 
I got onto Hwy 1 and drove her home.

It is days like this that make having a Datsun Roadster a blast.  Well, time 
to do some housework!  ;>)  (Before Mary gets home)

Michael "Calspeed" Carion
67.5 SRL311-000248 Solex

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