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more: why's the turn signal on the left?

To: a roadster list <>
Subject: more: why's the turn signal on the left?
From: Toby B <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 01:02:54 -0700
Wasn't this a standards war?

        Like, ISO vs DIN?  (whatever that means!)  Controls were set out in
vouluntary and mandatory 'standards' which changed over the years... and
different manufacturers followed different 'standards'.  My '69 2002 has
a headlight dipswitch on the left, turnsignals (and windshield washer!)
on the right!  Makes it hard to drive the mitsubishi afterwards!
         The Federal standards (U.S.) got a lot stricter between '68 and '73-
by the end of '73, all turn signals moved to the left of the wheel. 
Coincidence?  I dunno!

Thomas Walter wrote:
> Folks,
> When you climb into a RIGHT HAND DRIVE roadster,
> everything will make sense. You'll open the

> Tom "too much trivia" Walter
>   67 2000     68 2000

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