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Re: <240z-club> Nismo Festival 98 photos

To: Rex <>
Subject: Re: <240z-club> Nismo Festival 98 photos
From: Marc Sayer <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 21:33:48 -0700
Rex wrote:
> This is all great stuff, but what happened to the magazine? The last one I
> received was the beginning of February.

Yes I am deeply sorry about the delays, and I have to take at least some
of the blame for the delays (I'm not taking all of it, but some of it
was specifically my fault). In essence there was no spring issue. As
always no one missed an issue, and everyone will get the full number of
issues they paid for, it will just take a little longer. The next issue
is at the printers right now and all our problems with this issue have
been solved. I will see the bluelines on Monday and they should go
on-press Tuesday or Wednesday. People should start getting their copies
by the first or second week of Aug. Again, as always, the USPO may not
get you your copy right away (last issue they set a new record, taking 6
weeks to deliver one subscriber their copy), and you might be one of
those lucky 10% who never get their copy and to whom we have to mail out
a replacement. The only good thing (aside from the issue coming out
soon) in all this is that things finally got sooo bad that I was forced
to hire a new employee and we are much more efficient, as far as
customer service goes, now than we have ever been since the magazine
first started back in '94. I also had to bite the bullet and cut back
(again) to a quarterly schedule because even with the extra employee, we
still weren't likely to get issues out on time at the bi-monthly
schedule. After we have gotten on and kept to a quarterly schedule for a
while, I will look at going back to bi-monthly.  BTW the only reason I
finally had time to do some of this scanning and webpage work, etc., and
to attend Shasta, was because of 1)the effectiveness of our new employee
and 2)the fact that this issue is now in the hands of the printers.
These Nismo Festival 98 pictures have been sitting on my desk since Jan.
(shameless plug follows - You can read and see more on the Nismo
Festival 98, and the Z Concept car, and the little known R383, and the
new Skyline R34 GT-R, and... in the next issue :-)

Marc Sayer
Z Car & Classic Datsun Magazine
Voice 541-726-6001
Fax 541-746-0863/726-6001

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