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Back in Kansas! :(

Subject: Back in Kansas! :(
From: Ken Pearce <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 11:03:16 -0500 (CDT)
Just a quick note to let anyone following my trip that I made it back to
Lawrence, Kansas yesterday at 12:30pm.  My odometer stopped working
somewhere in Idaho, so my I'll have to get out a map to total up the
mileage.  Suffice to say it was well over 5000 miles in 13 days.  

I'll send out a more complete posting when I have a little more time.
Those of you who work in the I.T. support business know what happens when
you leave for 2 weeks!  Those of you who just can't wait for the pics, the
raw uploads are at

There are many non-roadster pictures (like the ones of the sushi menus) so
no complaints until I have a chance to construct a cohesive intellible
webpage...  Days 8 thru 13 of my trip I travelled from Long Beach WA to
Seattle, then to Vancouver BC, then to Surrey BC, then back to Kansas...

Thanks to Ross in BC and the good Dr. Thompson in Roseberg OR for making
the trip that much more enjoyable and worthwhile!  Other than a leaking
water pump and a quart of oil every 300 miles, the roadster was
BULLETPROOF!  More details when I have time...


Ken Pearce, 68-2000
Lawrence, KS (Hopefully soon to be permanantly in BC!)

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