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Re: ...Shasta

To: "Kyle Hagemann" <>
Subject: Re: ...Shasta
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 12:02:16 PST8PDT
Kyle asks:
> And Shasta - what if a guy wanted to take a day trip up there
> just to see the haps?  What'd be a good day and time to do so?

Gotta be Saturday. It all happens Saturday. SHow 'n shine starts at
10, concurrent swap meet, spend the afternoon watching the
other Datsuns auto-cross at the ski lodge, then pop back for the
banquet at 6 PM. (The Roadsters and the All-datsun have separate
banquets, BTW). Then a late night drive back home, if you're
seriously nuts.

About the speakers: On the freeway, you'll be lucky to hear the
stereo itself, let alone the distortion :-).

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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