The short answer with modern bearings is
yes, it's bad to scrape them. They have a limited amount of 'bearing'
material, with a harder base underneath that. They're designed to
provide a pretty specific oil-flow pattern and rate...
Of course, the camshaft/jackshaft bearings don't take as much of a
beating, and aren't as hi-tech as crank and rod bearings. But I'd worry
that the bearing surfaces might not be in alignment (now OR before, if
it bound) which would add quite a bit of stress to the jackshaft. Let
us know what the machinist says...
Toby wrote:
> Is it okay to buff rough spots on engine bearings?
Either the bearing is not
> standard size, or the press-fit wasn't done right by the machine shop.
> I polished out the scrape, and now the jackshaft goes in all the way. Does
> anyone know what the bearing clearances are supposed to be for the
> jackshaft?
> I'm going to the machinist for an opinion on the polished bearing. I'm just
> curious whether removing any surface material is bad for the bearing. A
> long time ago a mechanic friend told me that he shimmed bearings on his
> Chevy with aluminum foil without problems, so maybe bearings are pretty
> rugged.
> Fred - So.SF