Hey all-
I really appreciate all the info on windshield options-it has definitely
saved me some cash. Is anyone familiar with the high-windshield part number
for the windshield seal (the rubber gasket that fits between glass and
frame). My Nissan parts man was unable to discipher which was the correct
one in the old parts book. Thanks again.
69 2L
Dennis wrote-
> Nissan still carries the windshields for our Roadsters. When we (CDM) get
> inquires we just send the customer direct to Nissan since it would
probably get
> damaged in shipping anyway. We have found that many get broken while on
> way to your Nissan dealer, so check the box before leaving the parts
> 72613-25900 windshield - high $ 165.00
> 72613-10400 windshield - low $ 190.00
> Can't beat the price. (last time we ordered one)