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Re: S/brake

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: S/brake
From: "Kerry Zariwny" <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 15:20:11 -0700
Ahh The S/Brake..Reminds me of when I told a friend who was riding in my 
roadster for the first time that the s/brake switch was
actually an early version of turbo power that Datsun had in its roadsters. He 
did not believe me, of course, until I pulled the
switch, red light kicks on and suddenly we accelerated down the freeway. Pushed 
it in, light goes off and we slowed. So he tried
it. He pulls the s/brake,light goes on and we accelerate. He pushes it in, 
light goes off and we slow down. I had him going for
about 30 minutes until I finally told him that every time he pulled the switch, 
I was stepping on the gas. He pushes it in, I let
off the gas. He did not take it very well :)

Kerry Z
West Linn Oregon
A "Rare Turbo" 1968 1600

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 1:49 PM

> Thanx everyone... Now I feel real stupid though now... I guess the light
> is burned out on my dash, because whenever I pulled the S/Brake, nothing
> happened...Thanx again..
> Jonathan

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