In a message dated 99-05-09 00:20:01 EDT, writes:
<< have yet another question, or rather a series of them. A few days ago
I balanced my carbs for the first time. I took it out for a spin once I
was done and was surprised at how much more power it had. However my
drive was very short as I broke my distributer rotor. Well, I just got
the new rotor tonight and I went out to start my roadster up. It fired a
few times but it seemed very speratic and not very smooth, almost like a
cylinder or two wouldn't fire so the engine couldn't stay running. Some
streches it wouldn't even fire at all for awile. I pulled all the spark
plugs and all of them had spark and none of them seemed very fouled. It
was getting fuel before the rotor broke so I don't see why it wouldn't be
getting any now. I don't know if this is important but it backfired very
loudly two times as I was trying to start it up. The first time it even
riped the crack in my muffler open. Any ideas about what could be
causing it to not start up?
Thanks for any replies,
Matt Peterson
'68 1600
Zimmerman, MN
Matt, I would start with the points, They can be bad about jumping out of
adjustment. If OK ckeck the timing, If ok write again. based on your
symptoms, I'd bet you won't be writing back...
Mike Harper
'66 1600
Charleston SC