Hi folks,
I finally got a few pictures up from last weekend's BADROC get together.
Take a look at
We had a beautiful day for roadstering (I forgot to use the sunscreen and
got quite BBQ'd!). I followed Fred's bright red '66 down 280 from San
Francisco. 280 is a very scenic highway which runs right along the San
Andreas fault. Almost every car that passed, paused next to us to get a
good look at our roadsters.
We met up with everyone at a gas station and drove by the Stanford
University Modern Art Museum for some quick pictures, then on to In-N-Out
Burger for lunch. When we got on 101 to head to the burger joint, what
had been a nice parade line of roadsters spread out, and it looked like
the freeway was full of roadsters.
After a nice heart-stopper Double-Double and fries, we did what most car
folks do in parking lots, pop the hoods and trade stories.
All in all, a nice little shakedown run to prepare for Solvang!
Leigh Brooks
San Francisco
'64 1500