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Caravan security

Subject: Caravan security
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 03:38:50 EST
In a message dated 19-03-99 8:14:52 PM EST, writes:

<< Don't know if I'll stay in SOlvang or elsewhere....but I would like to
 caravan with the rest of you....
 Even though I've got almost a brand new roadster, it's comforting to know
 you're traveling with other folks who know these cars' quirks.
 -Eric >>


I agree with you Eric.  So far I have had my share of breakdowns.  And it is
nice when there are others to help out.  Thx Fred!  But sometimes there is no
one around to hear your scream!    
Thermostat went out returning from Shasta '97.
Fuel filter problems, burned out points, fuel floats cracked going to Solvang
Wheel Bearing destroyed driving to Z Car convention n New Mexico.

Thanks to all who saved me...

Fred Katz, Ron Hamilto and Lance, Les and Dennis of CDC

Lets hope for a trouble free trip.

Michael "Calspeed" Carion

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