Thats what the doctor told me!
I just picked up a 91 Pathfinder and now people give me a hard time
about my loyalty to "that" brand.
joshua milton
69 1600
91 Pathfinder
PS> On another note. Mike I am sorry to hear about the car! It
sounds as if this has actually brought a little enjoyment out of such
horrible cicumstances. I feel your pain and cant wait to see the car
in its new clothes. It'll be that much better when your done.
>It's called "Datsunitis" and it's a disease that has
>it's own tagline -
>"bet you can't own just one!"
>Leigh Brooks
>San Francisco
>Datsun Nuts,
>I just took possession of my new(?) 1965 L320 pickup. Needless to say,
>coworkers, Neighbors, Family and pets do not understand.
>Do I need help? group therapy? or am at the right place right now?