Cover of Car And Driver, April 1999, with the tag-line "Sports-car
Revival!" shows the new Toyota $24,000 140hp mid-engined roadster. Coming
for the 2000 year. 153 inches long, 2200 lbs.
Beautiful, exotic looking, and innovative. Sigh... Honda has their S2000,
and now Toyota has a roadster. Get with it, Nissan!
On page 32, a pic of the redesigned 2000 Maxima. Yuck.
Redemption for Nissan - Popular Mechanics, April 1999, (yeah, weird) has a
brief writeup and nice pic of the new Nissan SUT concept truck. Hope they
make it, I like it much better than the Nissan Frontier Crew Cab that it's
based on, and it would look great towing the roadster.
Well, back to what gives me pleasure, my good old Datsun roadsters!
Fred - So.SF