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Re: Phoenix Emissions Test

Subject: Re: Phoenix Emissions Test
From: Waylon Harthun <>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 20:24:17 -0800
The funny thing is that in Phoenix it is really easy to get around, go to
places like flagstaff or somewhere out of metro phoenix and get a po box
then just register that as your perm address but keep your current for
mailing and viola ther you no longer need to worry about emmisions
>       There's a state with emmissions for cars that were built before the
>standards were enacted?  That sounds WRONG to me...  Morally wrong, at
>least! <grin>
>Doutre, Chris wrote:
>> There's nothing like new carbs and a few dollars in a mechanic's pocket. My
>> 67 1600 flew through the emissions test this morning. 
> Chris
>> '67 1600
>> SPL311-08127

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