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Re: Ugly?

To: shifty <>
Subject: Re: Ugly?
From: Mike/Chris Clothier <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 17:21:54 -0800
shifty wrote:

> On 2/18/99 3:04 PM, snyler wrote:
> >><< >>
> >>OK, yes I was serious, and one must be  crazy for wanting a 510. Is there an
> >>uglier car out there?
> >>Crazy Casey
> > Let's see...
> >Datsun B210 (possibly the most hideous car ever made)
> >Z cars from about 1980
> >any Peugeot
> >early Toyota Corolla (hell, any Toyota Corolla)
> >TR 7
> >I always thought the 510 was kinda handsome.
> >Wait, there's someone at the door.
> >
> >Marc Tyler
> >1970 1600
> >Boerne TX (Actually Sisterdale TX)
> Just sticking to Datsuns, the F10 (Cherry in Japan) was pretty ugly. The
> original 200SX was kinda ugly.
> But if you want really, really, ugly car, I nominate: Lexus LX450 SUV.
> Leigh Brooks
> San Francisco

I may be a majority of one, BUT, can we add the Caddy SUV to the ugly list?
Mike Clothier
Norco Ca.

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