Ian Miller wrote:
> When I finally get my Tranny out of my car it will be the first one I've
> really looked at. So a couple of questions:
> Where is the "throw out bearing", I was told the squeal I hear might be
> comming from there.
This bearing is part of the clutch, not transmission. It is what
pressesagainst the pressure plate to engage/disengauge the clutch.
> How can I tell if its bad?
I'd recommend changing it if the transmission has not been removedfor
awhile, even if it is not worn out yet! It costs around $40.00.
> What kind of inspection can I do of the tranny when its out?
I took mine to an experienced sports car (MG) mechanic.
> What kind of repair should I do to be sure it will work well?
Let the mechanic do it if you don't know what you are doing.It's such a
hastle to have to pull the engine again.
> How hard is it to disconnect from the motor?
That's easy, just remove about 8 bolts.
I took the engine and transmission to the mechanic and had him work
on the tranny, replace the throw out bearing and reattach the tranny
and engine. Be sure to wire the clutch fork in it's correct position
before putting the engine back into the car. Mine got bumped and
I ruined my entire clutch because the clutch fork was not aligned
correctly with the throw out bearing.
Gary Gerding, 1967 SPL311, Omaha, NE