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Re: U20 oil pan / sump

To: <>
Subject: Re: U20 oil pan / sump
From: Gordon Glasgow <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 16:24:40 -0800
At 09:46 AM 2/1/99 +1100, Lahtinen, Marko wrote:
>Hi all
>Can anyone direct me to a picture on which I can see what a U20 oil pan /
>sump looks like - the finned aluminium variety.

I scanned a picture out of the Nissan Comp catalog. 
It's at

Not the best shot, but it's all I have available right now. The pan has
full-length fins along the bottom. The baffle shown in the picture is the
stock baffle. There's also a super-trick comp baffle with trapdoors, etc.
Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

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