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E-mail writing tip

To: Datsun Roadster Email List <>
Subject: E-mail writing tip
From: clockmkr <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:20:57 -0800
Here's a tip for some of you using web addresses in your e-mail.

Write out the ENTIRE address such as:  it will be an actual link that we can click on
instead of having to cut and paste it to the browser address.

If you don't use the whole address it shows of like this  (no link).

If you are using AOL to read your mail it won't show up as a link. So if
you want it to, you'll have to get a real internet provider.

Scott Hilmoe

'67 - SPL311-07317
'67.5 - SPL311-012752
'68 - SRL311-04294 (I finally got a 2000! Now to get it roadworthy.)

"They that will sacrifice liberty in exchange for temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben.Franklin

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