After several months of watching the traffic here I must thank all the
patient Datsun techs out there. Do you have Day Jobs??? No really, you are
providing a tremendous boost to this collectible.
The restoration of my 2000 is nearly complete after 2 1/2 years. Since it
was always a garage project I never bothered with any insurance. Now that
it is nearly complete I need something. (My net investment will be about
5K, but the car is like new, so I plan to insure for 10K)
What do most owners use?? I will not use this car for primary transpo. Will
use for occassional drives and shows. I do have a garage.
I have seen numeruos (Antique or Collectible) insurance agencies out there
that are very reasonable. Less than $100 for full coverage. JC Taylor and
American Collector among them.
Appreciate any recommendations and suggestions on those to avoid.
Thanks again for all the great dialogue.
C.F. White
68 SRL311-05468
(318) 537-2022