This stuff is hilarious. Thank you.
My Lucas story: In the late 60's, I started participating in car rallies in
Montreal. I desperately needed new headlights to enter my first night rally
and I couldn't get Hella or Cibie (my friend's "strong" recommendation) on
short notice. So I bought two Lucas 7" headlight replacements for my '67
Chevy Nova. Within 1 week, during a night rally, one of the bulbs had
burned out. I went back to the dealer and he replaced it free. Within one
more week, the second bulb had burned out. I asked for my money back. He
refused on the basis that he would stand behind the product and would
replace burned out bulbs without question. I asked for 52 bulbs, in a box,
right now, to cover the 1-year warranty period. He gave me my money back and
I bought Cibie replacements. I have been a Cibie fan since.
Keep me laughing (Leylandgnugen indeed!).