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SimpleSevens Holiday Update

Subject: SimpleSevens Holiday Update
From: John Donohoe <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 08:09:27 -0800 (PST)
Holiday Greetings all :-)))

Just a quick note to point out a couple of new items
on SimpleSevens! (

Now, the site is SEARCHABLE -- Check it Out!

I've added Paul Blouin's restored S2 photos
(finally!), Marco Corsi's sharp S2 Vintage Racer, Jeff
Fisher's Gleaming white S4 Vintage Racer, and if you
have some last minute shopping to do, there are still
a few lovely Lotus cars listed for sale, including a
restored Series Two and a Hot-Hot-Hot vintage-race
prepped Series One Seven.

Lastly, there's a Holiday Commentary with a little
gift at the bottom for those of you inclined to read
it :-)

I thank you all for your support, suggestions,
information and photos and I look forward to carrying
on with this project for years to come.

With warmest wishes for a safe, happy and fulfilling
holiday season, John Donohoe

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