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SimpleSevens Update "Spring Sale Edition"

Subject: SimpleSevens Update "Spring Sale Edition"
From: john donohoe <>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 07:10:15 -0800 (PST)

I've been doing some catching up, and can't remember
if I've announced any of these guys or not, so please
bear with me.

Also, notice this turns out to be the "Spring Sale
Edition" - a couple of Sevens and a set of Lotus
wheels (mine) appear for sale in this update. I have
no intention of making this a regular feature, but I
will try to post any Lotus Seven I get information on
- if it's for sale, that's okay by me. The infamous
"future version" of SimpleSevens could include a
"garage sale" area I suppose, but for now, you can
chack out the new Sevens listed:

- Paul Bailry's version of KAR 120C:1965 S2 Cosworth
1500, SB 2060
- Sakarias Nfss: 1962 SIICalifornia to Norway (nice
dog !)
- Mike Ostrov, West Coast collector of things Lotus
describes a few of his treasures...
- Grant Reynolds' story of "Vroom" the Seven he
maintained, campaigned by Lee Talbot... anybody seen
- David Switzer "the dog has died, it is time to dust
off my old friend and do the restoration thing"

FOR SALE! Tom Smith's 1962 Lotus Seven "KYALAMI" with
Elan IRS!
FOR SALE! G. Brink's Lotus 7 S2 - looks sharp (but
then I like ALL Lotus Sevens!)

Cheers for now!
John Donohoe

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