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Re: Seven S2 BMC A Mounting Q's

Subject: Re: Seven S2 BMC A Mounting Q's
From: Keith Gustafson <>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 11:38:25 -0500
Gearbox mounts? 
We don't need no stinkin gearbox mounts. Unless they are some aftermarket
mod,those are not access plates,those are reinforcing plates. That's right,
the mount is riveted to the aluminum. You can reach down the tunnel and see
if it has come loose. If not the rubber mount can probably be changed in
place. I dunno....At 08:12 AM 2/1/01 -0800, you wrote:
>My gearbox (BMC 948) is very nearly resting on the
>curved square frame tube at the fron of the tunnel...
>Is this due to bad gearbox mounts?
>Are there two or three mounts?
>And, can they be successfully replaced with
>engine/gearbox in situ? (I see where I can remove two
>rivetted access plates on the sides of the tunnel)
>John Donohoe

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