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Got a Question for Sy Kaback?

Subject: Got a Question for Sy Kaback?
From: john donohoe <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 05:16:20 -0800 (PST)
Greetings all...

I am preparing a sort of biography of Sy Kaback, one
of the East Coast importers of Lotus cars in the early
60's, and a successful racer as well.

Sy and his wife have offered to answer questions I
prepare regarding his background and time as a Lotus
importer and racer.

If you would like to submit relevant questions in the
next few days, I would be happy to forward at least
some of them, and include the replies in the bio,
which I will post online and announce to these lists.

Briefly, I know that Sy entered Daytona, Sebring and
Bridgehampton rounds of the Championship in '62, that
he raced a very succesful Lotus 15 (modified with
aluminum Buick V8!) Lotus 18, an OSCA, and plenty of
others I'm sure. He operated a successful heating and
cooling company in NY, (see he
raced sailboats in the 70s and 80s and is now
comfortably resting at home, though not in the
greatest of health. My interest was piqued by the lack
of information available about the original importer
of my Lotus Seven (see and though he no
longer has specific record of my car, I think he's one
of the handful of interesting people involved with
Lotus and its early distribution of cars in the US,
and thought his story would be worth hearing and

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you.
Please email me directly off list.
John Donohoe

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