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Wheel Studs - Thank you

Subject: Wheel Studs - Thank you
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 08:26:07 -0400

Thanks for all of the replys on my breaking wheel stud problem. I  may have just
over torqued them. My shop manual states 48 ft-lbs, but everyone else is saying
40. The wheels are flat and flush and the studs only break on the front wheels
with sticky rubber on (i.e. R1s).   I also go through U joints quite frequently
on the rear, but this has been a frequent problem on all of my other Europas
when used heavily for auto-x events (seams like the U joints gives up before the
wheel studs on the rear).

I replaced the studs again  (this time wheels torqued to 40)  - Let's see if
this fixes the problem.

Again, Thanks.

Kyle McCormick

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