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Re: Looking for Mrs. Peel

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, Reid Trummel <>
Subject: Re: Looking for Mrs. Peel
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 98 06:01:43 PST
     Hello Reid,
     Well, you've come to the right place but there aren't many of us and 
     the list is sometimes not as active as it should be.
     But the subject matter is interesting and we do have some very 
     knowledgable people on the list.
     Hope you get your Elan.
     Rod (three Elans... they keep each other company)

Subject: Looking for Mrs. Peel
Author:  Reid Trummel <> at CCGATE
Date:    8/28/98 4:44 AM

Hello all,
I just joined this list and would like to know, does this list cover the 
early Elans?  I am a long-time British car enthusiast (Healeys, mostly) 
who wants to learn about early Elans in preparation for buying one upon 
my return from my current overseas assignment (at the US Embassy in 
Tunis, Tunisia).  
Basically I'll be looking for an Elan roadster a la Mrs. Peel's in The 
Avengers.  I hope to learn much from you all.  Thank you.
Cheers, Reid

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