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Re: Elan 5 speed alternatives

To: (Mike Ostrov)
Subject: Re: Elan 5 speed alternatives
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 22:06:00 -0700
Mike Ostrov wrote:

> Yesterday at a British Car meet I examined (not carefully) an Elan 
> with an Alfa 5 speed fitted.  I did not drive the car; one of the 
> other members did, as it is for sale.

Hmmm.  Interesting.  This was an event in your area, I take it?

Have you a phone number, or such, for the owner?

> Seemed to work fine and the shift lever was in about the right
> location. The work was done by the PO and nothing is known by the 
> current.  

Does the owner have any way of contacting the PO?  It might be 
interesting to track him down and talk to him...

>  I will examine an Alfa gearbox soon, just to confirm measurements,
> etc.
>  Back from Brands Hatch and other parts of the Continent.

Welcome back to the colonies!

Erik Berg

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